Back To School Mini Product Swap... With Freebies!

I am so excited to be teaming up with my sweet friends Alisha from Missing Tooth Grins and Meredith from Creativity to the Core for a Back 2 School Mini Product Swap! 
You will get to hop to each of our blogs to hear about our newest products for back to school. You�ll get to pick up some sample freebies along the way AND you can enter our giveaway to win all three products!
I was lucky enough to get to plan my first few days back at school with Alisha�s Back To School Snapshots pack. I am soooo excited to use this gem with my class!

First let me tell you what�s included in this fabulous product! Alisha has provided ready to go activities (and adorable craftivities!) that are perfect during those first few days of get to know you activities, rules, and procedures.

Here is my example of the �My Summer Snapshots� craftivity you will get in this product:

Seriously, how cute is this?!

Alisha has also included a �Snapshots Scrapbook� that you can use with your students to write about the school year. She�s included template pages with primary writing lines and regular writing lines. The snapshot scrapbook pages include back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc., so your students can record their �snapshots� for the entire year!
Plus, look how CUTE it is!
There are also blank lined pages where you can have students write about ANYTHING!
 Last, Alisha has created a booklet that you can quickly print and staple together for your students to have during those first few days. I LOOOOOVE this booklet because there are so many great pages that you can use with your students to get them involved when going over rules, procedures, meeting new friends, learning about the daily schedule, etc.
I have to tell you, this booklet is my FAVORITE activity included in this pack. I�ve got big plans for using this baby in my classroom! The new copier at my school  (can you say TEACHER�S DREAM?!) has this easy feature where you can make full sized pages into half sized magazine booklets. I may have a little obsession with turning everything into mini-booklets now.
Here�s my miniature �Snapshots Booklet�. Obviously you can keep yours full-size and it will still be fabulous, but this is how I�ve decided to use it.
I went ahead and printed all of the booklet pages to use. Alisha has included: first day selfies, snapshots of my first day (lunch, recess, friends, specials, etc.), meeting new friends page, my new classroom, my desk, and following the rules. I plan to have all of these pages stapled together into mini-booklets for my kiddos. They will be ready to go, and I can quickly use these pages for my students to add information to as they learn different things about our school, classroom, and expectations.
Last, but CERTAINLY not least, I can�t wait to use this ADORABLE class pendant. This is such an easy to use, engaging activity you can use with your kiddos. AND, there are numerous ways you can use it!
Alisha has included blank snapshot pages that look like that I simply copied on to colored paper. One of her suggestions is to let each student create a snapshot of themselves and hang it up in the classroom or in the hallway. You can also use it to create snapshots of rules and expectations. I think I�m going to do both. :) Here�s my little example I created of our classroom rules. Please excuse the horrible drawings (can you tell I�m NOT an art teacher?!)

Alisha has been so sweet and put together a freebie sample of this fabulous product. You can snatch it up in her TPT shop by clicking on the picture below! And don't worry, she's included K-2 pages! 

If you love it, you will definitely want to purchase her full product. I know I will be using every activity she's included! Click here to get purchase it!

Now you can hop on over to Creativity to the Core�s blog to hear about my newest product called �Let�s Talk About It"
Then head to Missing Tooth Grins' blog to hear about Close Reads!