TPT Seller Challenge - Week One

Hey! I'm linking up with Third in Hollywood, Sparkling in Second, Teach Create Motivate, and Peppy Zesty Teacherista to complete the week one of the TPT Seller Challenge! This week the challenge is to update a product and its cover. I knew EXACTLY which product I needed to update--- my Kindergarten Word Problem Book! It's one of my top selling items and packed full of great kindergarten word problems, but the cover... man, oh, man... I KNEW it needed some TLC!
Here's the old version... it was BORING! I'm pretty sure when I created this as a TPT newbie I hadn't actually invested in clip art, digital papers, borders, fonts... all of that makes a HUGE difference! Now I've invested in tons of KG fonts, Melonheadz illustrations, Graphics From The Pond clip art, and so much more -- it really does help to invest in these things!

So here's the brand-new version...
Seriously, it's so much better. The colors are bright and stand out. My font choices are so much more appealing, and the quick details I wanted my buyers to see are on the cover and stand out.

Here's a look at the two side-by-side.
I think this new cover my actually be one of my new favorites of all the covers I've designed!

I did edit a few details on the inside.
Throughout the word problem book, I updated the fonts so that they are much more Kindergarten friendly. I added primary writing lines and Melonheadz clipart so that it matches my product cover. When I look at the before image, a little part of me cringes. Why did I have so much white space?! It just did NOT all look good together. Click the cover below to check out the full product!
So, what do you think?! I'm pretty sure I'm ready to go back and update my word problem covers for first and second grade now too!

**UPDATE** It's only a few hours later and I just couldn't stand it one more second to not have my first and second grade books updated! Look how cute they turned out! All word problem books are on sale for the rest of the week!

A huge thanks for hosting to these wonderful four ladies -- I can't wait to read all about how others update their products, and I'm excited to hear about our next challenge during week two!
Sparkling in Second
Peppy Zesty Teacherista