Friends, I've been MIA in the blogging world here recently. I know, I know, I rarely blog anyway (BUT I'M TRYING TO BE BETTER). So I figured I'd let you know what's going on over here at Simply Creative
in Kentucky.
WHAT?! Yep, I crossed out "in Kentucky" and I'm still pretty sad about it. I'm now... Simply Creative not in Kentucky... because I moved to Indiana... yep. The hubby and I moved to Indiana at the end of June and life has been BUSY! Let me give you a little recap. :)
Enjoying a little Bible putt-putt (because that's a real thing in KY, no joke) before the big move! |
For those of you who don't know, I actually grew up in Indiana, went to college in Kentucky, fell in love (with my hubby and my job), and we stayed for awhile. However, as the Lord would have it, we prayed and prayed and made the decision to move to Indiana after my husband got into law school! While leaving Kentucky and my school family was SOOOO difficult (just imagine puddles and puddles of tears -- not even kidding), I'm overjoyed to be back. We are living much closer to my family, so it's been wonderful to be able to spend more time together. When I told my dad back in the spring that we were moving back home he actually cried on the phone. He's precious and I love him.
One of first days exploring our new hometown! |
I'm happy to say that after tons of applications, resume editing (over & over & over), emailing, phone calls, a Skype interview (YUCK - seriously, those are for the birds), a face-to-face interview, dealing with the Praxis people to transfer my scores (THEY ARE THE WORST. I MIGHT TELL YOU MORE LATER BUT TRUST ME ON THAT FOR NOW)... I'm employed as a SIXTH grade teacher! What the WHAT!?!
I may or may not be wearing my school shirt from my previous school on the day I took my hubby to see my new school! |
I've been busy transforming this space right here to make it work for the BIG kiddos. Here's a little peek into my room, but I'll show you more at another time!
Adding lots of color, getting organized, and making it functional for BIG kids! |
Yes. I'm absolutely terrified. I'm used to the little people. The ones that come up to you and hug you for no reason. The ones who still think school is THE BOMB. The ones who come up to you with a little bump on the arm and you make a joke about chopping it off and all is better in the world... I'm going to miss the little people.
But the Lord is preparing me. I know that for sure. Each day I get a little less worried and a little more excited. The big kids will challenge me. I will probably be stressed out and surely cry once a week (but I'll be honest, I cry that often anyway)... But I will do everything I can to be the teacher the Lord has called me to be for them.