Book Promotion Ideas
As you know, I've started my 5th year of teaching this year in a BRAND NEW grade -- SIXTH! One of the aspects I've been MOST excited about are all the books. I've spent a ton of time this first month of school teaching students about finding good books for themselves. I want them to find books that they love, and I think it starts with me sharing my reading life. This past weekend, I finished the book Because of Mr. Terupt. It was AMAZING. One of my students watched the book trailer for this, and before I knew it, she read it, finished it, found the sequels, AND convinced me and numerous other students to read the rest of them. She also convinced the librarian to order more copies so that her friends can read them! S today I figured I'd share with you today a few ideas of how I'm teaching my students about promoting books to others. First and foremost, one of my favorites (and my students' favorites)... SHELF TALKERS! We think of these as movie posters... only ...