Winter Blog Hop & Giveaway
I am SOOO excited to be linking up with some of my favorite bloggers for our Winter Fun Blog Hop & Giveaway. BONUS: You walk away with a FREE e-Book full of winter printable goodies!
I'm going to share with you one super quick, hands-on activity that is PERFECT for your second graders. You can make it work this winter OR save it for the spring! It's all about... ARRAYS!My students sometimes struggle with the foundations for multiplication. They want to dive right in to that multiplication sign because it's BIG KID STUFF. However, it is SO important that they understand the foundations first! What better way to do that than through FOOD and STICKERS!
After teaching about rows & columns with repeated addition, I love to let my students get busy constructing their own arrays. I gave my students the number 20 to start with, and they used Froot Loops to build as many different arrays as they could come up with.
This is also a great time to pull out all of those tiny sticker sheets you have and let students make arrays with them! Whether you have snowflake stickers to use this winter or ladybug stickers to use in the spring, students will LOVE this hands-on learning!
If you're in need of more arrays and repeated addition activities, you can check out my Introducing Multiplication unit HERE.
Now for the giveaway fun!
Click the image below to download the FREE Winter e-Book!
a Rafflecopter giveaway