Morning Tub Ideas from Oriental Trading
I'm so excited to share with you some amazing resources I've tested out from Oriental Trading that are PERFECT for your morning tubs! This year I wanted to give my students a morning that was less stressful (for them and for me) when they arrived in the morning, so I decided to give morning tubs a try. It's been a HIT, so today I'm going to share with you some awesome resources I'm putting in my tubs from Oriental Trading. First, let's talk about the bright baskets . :) I knew I wanted my tubs to be medium-size for a groups of 3-4 students, and these are perfect. They come in these 6 neon colors, and I love that I can easily see what's in them. One of my favorite resources we've used so far are these fun, sentence building dominoes . The various parts of speech are all color coded, and students use them to make silly sentences! I even had one student build a silly sentence house! I put these in our morning tubs during the first week of school, and stude...