
Showing posts from October, 2016

Math Essentials for Every Primary Classroom

When I was in undergrad, I was soooo nervous about teaching math . My oh my, how that�s changed. I would teach primary math all day if I could now. I absolutely LOVE it. There are a handful of tools that I�ve found super helpful when teaching math, so today I thought I�d share with you a few of my favorite MATH ESSENTIALS! #1 � Magnetic Base Ten Pieces from Learning Resources Before I had these magnetic base ten pieces , I used to hot glue magnets to the back of my foam base ten blocks and it was a disaster. The day I got these it was like Christmas! I�ve used them a few different ways. One year, my calendar area was housed on a dry erase board, so I used these for counting the number of days in school during calendar time. #2 � Number Line, Tens Frames, and Hundreds Chart Dry Erase Boards I never knew I was missing out until I got these dry erase boards from Education by Oriental Trading. Each board is two-sided, and the part I love the most is the number ...

Lazy Teacher Lunches

You know those adorable lunches you see all over Pinterest with the salad in the mason jars... yeah, that's not me. I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time for that. I can barely meal prep my own dinners, so planning ahead to take salad in a mason jar is just not in the cards for me. If it's ideal for you, then by all means, go for it! If you find yourself in the same boat as me though, keep reading... A few weeks ago I stopped at the grocery store for a few things on my way home from school. And then, I saw IT. This precious, tiny, ON SALE, little baby LUNCH CROCKPOT. Originally $25. On sale for $7.50. WHAAAAAAAT! So obviously I bought one and took a selfie with it. Because I'm known to take selfies with crockpots. A few days ago... My face still looks like this when I talk about my Lunch Crock Back in 2013 when I got a new crockpot :) So what's so great about this little Lunch Crock? Well, when I get to school in the morning, I pop in some soup or leftovers ...

Substitute Plans Without The Stress & Panic

Preparing for a sub is one of my least favorite things to do. I hate waking up at 2am, feeling sick, and thinking please don�t let me be sick. I can�t write sub plans right now. Anybody else? It�s the WORST! This year I decided to plan ahead, and I�ve had so many questions about it that I�m dedicating this post to sharing how I plan for a sub without losing my mind. I�m going to share with you the contents of my sub binder , as well as what I put in my sub tub. Plus, I�ll have a free download for you at the end of this post! For my sub binder , I used a � inch sized binder to house all of my information. I organize it into 4 sections: About Our School, About Our Class, Lesson Plans, & Class Forms. My sub tub is a 20-quart Sterilite container  ($6.99) from Target. For my copies, I used colored expandable file folders that you can find in the office supply section of most stores. The "Lesson Plans" section is where I get the most questions. At my school, we don�t have to t...

Strategies to Reduce Small Group Interruptions

Every year during back to school time I start to get a  teensy  bit nervous about all of the new little faces that will be coming and how all of their little personalities will play a part in our class family. And oh good gracious, I always stress about how in the world I'm going to make sure I've got my routines and procedures set. So today I thought I'd highlight a few routines and procedures that save my sanity.  These are just a few of my favorite strategies so that I am not getting interrupted nearly as much during my small group time! Please remember that you need to explicitly teach, model, and practice all of these with consistency! I teach my students that if you have a question about your activity, you must ask 3 friends working near you and/or the stations leader  (aka the kid who always knows what they're supposed to be doing). Some people make cute name badges for those leaders... I haven't gotten around to that just yet, and I haven't needed to. I ...