Assessment Tips - Back To School Linky Week 2
I'm so excited to link up again with Miss V's Busy Bees and Mrs D's Corner for the Back 2 School Linky - Week 2! This week is all about... ASSESSMENT! In case you've missed the schedule, here's what we're talking about each week to get you ready for Back To School! We all know how important assessment is, and we also know how sometimes it just takes... forever. You know like when your PLC has a set aside a day for you to make assessments, and then you sit there with your team and by the end of the day your eyes are bugging out from all of it... maybe that's just me? Well, regardless, I decided to go ahead and make my own quick math assessments so that they'd be ready to go whenever I needed them. I created short, 1/4 page assessments for every 2nd grade math standard. You can check out the freebie in my TPT shop. When copying, I only need to copy 6 pages and quickly cut them out. (I'm thinking this year I might actually go ahead and copy ALL o...